1. Our closing department receives the title request.
2. We perform a title search on the property.
3. Then, the closing is scheduled for a date and time that is convenient for all parties.
4. After scheduling, our closing department prepares the HUD-1 Settlement Statement.
5. The closing is then conducted by members of our staff.
6. Then, we collect all closing funds for the charges collected on the HUD-1 Settlement Statement.
7. After collecting the funds, we update the title, and record at the appropriate county's Registry of Deeds.
8. We then disburse all closing funds for the charges collected on the HUD-1 Settlement Statement.
9. Finally, we prepare the title insurance policies.
Learn more about:
The Settlement/Closing Process for Sellers
Get ready for your closing:
Click here to download our Seller's Questionnaire (pdf) to complete and return to us.